DC Job - Find Duplicates in Batch

Last published at: February 28th, 2025

To search for duplicates in your environment, you can start a Duplicate Check Job (DC Job). With a DC Job you can search all records of an entity for duplicates. If any duplicates are found, they are shown on the Job Result page, where you can merge‍ them to clean up your data set.
DC Job can search any entity for duplicates, including custom entities.

DC Jobs are executed outside the Dynamics environment, either with DC Local on your local machine, or with the Plauti Cloud service. In both cases your data is exported and imported via a secure connection.


  • You have the Duplicate Check Admin role.
  • To be able to search for duplicates within a certain entity, make sure you have set up one or more Scenarios‍ for that entity. A scenario determines which records are considered potential duplicates.
  • Decide whether you want to run the DC Job on Plauti Cloud or DC Local.
    With Plauti Cloud, the job is run on Plauti's secure cloud service. Read more about Plauti Cloud.
    With DC Local, the job is run locally on your laptop or server. Read more about DC Local.
  • Make sure you have set up Plauti Cloud or DC Local (or both).
    Learn how to set up Plauti Cloud here‍.
    Learn how to set up DC Local here.

Running a DC Job

To run a Duplicate Check search job:

  1. In the Duplicate Check app, at left, click Duplicate Check Job .
    The Duplicate Check Jobs overview opens.
  2. At top left, click + Add New Job .
  3. In the pop-up that appears, enter a Job Name. For future reference it's recommended to have the name describe what the job does.
  4. At Select Entity, select the entity to find duplicates in. If the entity is not in the list, you can configure it in Manage Entities‍.
  5. At Select Scenario, select one or more scenarios to determine when a record qualifies as a duplicate.
    If you select multiple scenarios, two records are considered potential duplicates if they score as duplicates on at least one of the scenarios. Read more about Scenarios here‍.
  6. Click + Add Filter (optional but recommended) to search for duplicates within a subset of records, or by comparing two subsets of records. Read more about job filters here‍.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Decide where to run the DC Job: on Plauti Cloud or DC Local.
  9. Click Start.

    The job has been sent to Plauti Cloud or DC Local.
  10. Click Finish.
    The job is now added to the Job Overview‍ in Duplicate Check, but not yet started. Its status shows 'Holding' or 'Waiting to Start'.
    • If you have enabled Auto run DC Jobs‍ in Plauti Cloud or Auto Process Jobs‍ in DC Local, the job will be started automatically. Proceed at step 12 below.
    • If you are not using Auto Run/Process Jobs for this Org or environment, the DC job is not yet started. Proceed at step 11 below to start the job.
  11. Log into Plauti Cloud or DC Local and start the job.
    Read more about Running a DC Job on Plauti Cloud‍.
    Read more about Running a DC Job on DC Local‍ 
  12. After the job has finished, its results are sent back to Duplicate Check in Dynamics 365.
  13. In Duplicate Check, go to Duplicate Check Job again.

  14. At the job you just ran, click View Results to view the results of the duplicate search job, and process the duplicates if needed. For example, you can merge‍ or discard a duplicate group or some records in a group.
    Read more in DC Job Results Overview‍.

Running both D365 and Salesforce jobs

If you are using both Dynamics 365 and Salesforce, you can use Duplicate Check in both environments. Both DC Local and Plauti Cloud can handle DC Jobs from both sources intermingled. However, DC Local cannot receive jobs from both sources at the same time.

When using DC Local, you need to log out and into DC Local to switch between jobs coming from D365 and Salesforce. This also applies when Auto Processing is enabled!

Plauti Cloud can receive jobs from both sources at the same time, both for manual and auto running.


Only active duplicate records are shown

Duplicate Check will search all records to find duplicates, but will only display active records as result. Duplicate records that are disabled will not be shown.
What is considered an active or disabled record can differ per organization. In the Entity Settings‍ you can indicate which records should be regarded as disabled or active for the duplicate search results.