When creating a DC Job, you can use a filter to search for duplicates in one or more subsets of records. Particularly in large data volume jobs, using filters can speed up the duplicate search process tremendously.
DC Job Filter
The DC Job Filter lets you decide which records should be checked for duplicates. First you select an Entity to search in, and then you add a filter or subsets to narrow the search down further.
Single Filters
For example, create a DC Job to find duplicate Leads for a certain Account only, or to find duplicates within records that were created in the past week by certain users.
With such a single filter, Duplicate Check will only search for duplicates within the filtered records. This improves the speed of the duplicate search.
Comparing Subsets
Alternatively, set up two Subsets of records to compare with each other. For example, compare records owned by user Jane with the records owned by user Tom. In this case you filter on Owner equals "Jane" in the first subset, and on Owner equals "Tom" in the second subset.
Do take care that the Scenario you use in this job does not match heavily on the fields used in the filters, else no duplicates will be found.
In some cases, it makes sense to compare a subset of records with all records. A great use case for this is, after you deduplicated your legacy data, to (regularly) run jobs that only take into account records that were created in the last few days with the entire dataset. That way, you don't have to run large batch jobs, and you still get the desired results.
In this case, set up a filter for records created in the past few days in the first subset, and leave the second subset empty so that it states "All Records".
Configuring the DC Job Filter
Create a new DC Job. In step 3. 'Add New Job', first add an Object and one or more Scenarios. Then,
- Click + Add Filter
- Click + Add
to add a filter row or group.
- Select a Field to filter on, and add an Operator and a Value. For lookup fields, the Value field will give suggestions once you start typing.
- Change AND to OR if desired.
- Click + Add
to add more filter rows and groups.
- Click + Compare Subsets to compare two groups of records with each other.
A new block appears where you can add more filters to set up a second subset, or leave it empty to compare the first subset against all records. - When your filter is set up, click Next to continue configuring the job.
As long as a filter row is incomplete or incorrect, it will be highlighted in red, and the Next button will be greyed out.
Filter options
- Click AND
/ OR
to switch row or group dependency.
The first dependency is always AND. To create a simple filter consisting of only two rows with OR dependency, add a group and enter the rows and OR dependency in there. - Click Delete
to remove a row or group.
- Click Reset to default
to clear the filter block and rebuild the filter from the start.
- Click - Remove Subset to remove a subset. The other subset will turn into a single filter.
- Click - Remove Filter
to remove the filter block altogether.