
Last published at: February 13th, 2025

What is a MatchGroup?

A MatchGroup defines which records are assigned to which users. Records that match the MatchRules‍  are assigned according to the selected Operational Mode (e.g. Round Robin or Load Balanced) to the Assignees in the MatchGroup. Optionally, a MatchGroup contains a Capacity Model‍ or SLAs‍ as well.

Use multiple MatchGroups to cater for complex scenarios where records need to be funneled to different teams. Set a priority ranking if you have several MatchGroups that can match the same records, to indicate which MatchGroup should try to process the record first.
When records match to a MatchGroup, you will see the assignment audit trail in the MatchLogs.

Greedy MatchGroups

A MatchGroup with no MatchRules configured is considered “greedy”: it will match any record that it processes and assign it to the Assignees in that MatchGroup. It can be useful to create a greedy MatchGroup to catch any records that haven't been matched by other MatchGroups. In that case, set the Priority of the greedy MatchGroup to last place. Otherwise it will catch all records before other MatchGroups have had a chance.

Creating a MatchGroup

The steps for creating a MatchGroup briefly describe the use of each field. For more detailed information, read on in the 'More Info' section below.


Clone an existing MatchGroup

If you have a MatchGroup that differs just a little bit in how you want to set up your new MatchGroup, you can clone it and make changes, instead of creating a new MatchGroup from scratch. 

Open the existing MatchGroup and click Clone at top right. This will copy almost all settings of that MatchGroup to the new MatchGroup. Make adjustments where needed and save the new MatchGroup.

To create a new MatchGroup:

  1. In SRR, go to tab MatchGroups.
  2. At top right, click New .
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the MatchGroup.
  4. Leave the MatchGroup inactive for now.
  5. Set an Operational Mode to determine how records will be distributed amongst the Assignees. Round Robin and Load Balanced are the two most used options; for Load Balanced you also need to specify a Capacity Model. 
  6. Set a Priority to determine the matching order if you have mutually non-exclusive MatchGroups. Records will be matched against the MatchGroup with priority "1" first; if they do not match the group's MatchRules then the group with priority "2" is tried, etc.
  7. Select a Queue User. If all Assignees happen to be unavailable, records will be temporarily parked with this user until an Assignee becomes available again. 
  8. Enter a Description(optional) of what the MatchGroup does or is intended for, for future reference.
  9. Select a Rejects User(optional) who will review records that were rejected by Assignees.
  10. Enter a Custom Email Template(optional) if you want to send customized emails to Assignees. Enter the Unique Template Name of a Classic Email Template. Read more below about the requirements for the template.
  11. Tick Check Existing Records(optional) if you want to assign records that belong together (e.g. Leads from the same Account) to the same Assignee. Read more in Match Existing Records‍.
  12. Click Save.
    A new MatchGroup with a basic configuration to start out with

Configuring a MatchGroup

After saving, the new MatchGroup's page appears. The MatchGroup is now listed on the 'MatchGroup' tab as well.

By default, a MatchGroup will record an assignee in the OwnerID field of Lead records.

  1. At 'This MatchGroup Assigns the OwnerID Field on the Lead Object', click Edit Object / Assignment Field  to change which records will be routed by this MatchGroup, or in which field the Assignee should be entered.
    For example, change the Object field to 'Contact' to route Contact records with this MatchGroup.
  2. If you picked Operational Mode: Distance:
    At 'This MatchGroup Assigns the OwnerID Field on the Lead Object', click Edit Object / Assignment Field  to configure the Distance fields.
    In the Distance Configuration section:
    1. At Latitude Field, enter the field on the Object that contains its latitude.
    2. At Longitude Field, enter the field on the Object that contains its longitude.
    3. Enter a Maximum Distance in miles (optional) to the Assignee's location.
    Read more in Operational Mode: Distance‍.
  3. At 'Create a New MatchRule', click Create New Rule (optional) to define which records should be routed by this MatchGroup. If you do not set any MatchRules, the MatchGroup will route all records of the set Object. Read more in MatchRules.
    1. Select a Field from the Object or a related object.
    2. Add an Operator
    3. Enter the Value that this field should have in order for the record to be routed by this MatchGroup.
      See MatchRules‍ and Examples of Different Field Types in MatchRules for more details.
    4. Set the MatchRule to Active, or Not Active if you do not want to use it yet.
    5. Click Save.
      The MatchGroup's MatchRules are listed right below at MatchRules.
  4. If you have more than one MatchRule, add MatchRule Logic to determine how the MatchRules should be applied.

Assignees‍ are the users that each get a record assigned in turn. Add Assignees to the MatchGroup manually in the Assignee section, or dynamically with an AssigneeRule.

  1. At 'Create a New AssigneeRule', click Create New Rule (optional) to set up one or more AssigneeRules.
    When applied, AssigneeRules will add assignees to the MatchGroup if they match the criteria set in the rules, or remove them if they do not match anymore. Read more in AssigneeRules‍.
    1. At Type, decide if assignees should be selected by their User record, Chatter Group or Public Group.
    2. Select a field from the User record or group, add an operator, and enter the value that this field should have in order for the user to be added as Assignee.
    3. Set the AssigneeRule to Active, or Not Active if you do not want to use it yet.
    4. Click Save.
    The MatchGroup's AssigneeRules are listed right below at AssigneeRules.

    The AssigneeRules will only add Assignees to the MatchGroup when you click ApplyRules in the Assignee Configuration section below.

  2. If you have more than one AssigneeRule, add AssigneeRule Logic to determine how the AssigneeRules should be applied.
  3. At 'Assignee Configuration', you can manage the Assignees.
    1. Click Preview Record Selection to get an impression of which users will be added as Assignees when applying the AssigneeRules for dynamic assignees.
    2. Click Assignee Settings to configure settings for dynamic assignees. All Assignees that are added with the AssigneeRules will have these settings. Read more in Assignees.
    3. Click Apply Rules  to add all users that currently meet the set AssigneeRules as Assignees to the MatchGroup, configured according to the Assignee Settings.
  4. Find all Assignees of a MatchGroup, and their settings, in the Assignee overview.
    A column of note here is Dynamic Assignment, where you can see whether an Assignee is managed by the AssigneeRules (Dynamic) or manually (Manual).
    Click New at right to manually add a new Assignee. Read more in Assignees‍.
  5. Find the CapacityModels of a MatchGroup in the CapacityModels overview.
    Click New at right to add a Capacity Model‍. Read more in Using Capacity Models to Cap Assignment‍.
  6. Find the Service Level Agreements of a MatchGroup in the SLAs overview.
    Click New at right to add an SLA‍. Read more in Using the Service Level Agreement (SLA) Feature‍.
  7. Find the MatchLogs of a MatchGroup in MatchLogs.

Don't add Admins

Unless you want Admins (System Administrators or users in the SRR Admin permission set) to actively participate in processing the assigned records, do not add them to a MatchGroup as Assignee. You might run into problems if at some point you want to remove them again from the MatchGroup.


Assignees and licenses

An SRR license is automatically allocated to every user that you add as an Assignee, either dynamically via the AssigneeRules, or manually. Each user will be assigned the SRR User permission set as well.

Activate the MatchGroup

Once you're done setting up the MatchGroup and are ready to start routing records with it, make sure to activate it:

  1. Make sure the selected Object is set to be processed on tab Utitily Tools.
  2. In the MatchGroup, click the Edit   button at 'Active' and tick Active.
  3. Click Save.

As your org and sales processes get more sophisticated, Super Round Robin helps you keep it all automated: create more MatchGroups with MatchRules to specify where subsets of records are routed.
Create MatchGroups based on how you segment your records and which teams are responsible.

More info about the MatchGroup fields

Operational Mode The way records that match with this MatchGroup are divided over the Assignees. 
  • Round Robin: each new record is assigned to the next Assignee in the list. When the last Assignee in the list is reached, the next record goes to the first Assignee in the list again. This is the standard distribution method. 
  • Load Balanced: here the number of records already assigned to Assignees is taken into account when assigning new records. This option requires you to also specify a Capacity Model‍. Learn more about Load Balancing in Operational Mode: Load Balanced.
  • Distance: assign records based on the physical locations of the record and the assignee. Each record is assigned to the closest assignee available. Read more in Operational Mode: Distance‍.
  • Plugin: assign records based on additional rules you define in an Apex Class. Read more in Operational Mode: Plugin‍.
  • Do Not Reassign is used if you wish for things like SLAs and MatchLogs to be created, but for the record to not be reassigned. Or in a low-priority MatchGroup to catch the left-over records that are only a weak match, and decide manually on how to process them. Only use 'Do Not Reassign' when the Assignment Field is OwnerId.
Priority Determines which order the MatchGroups are evaluated in. Priority 1 MatchGroups are evaluated first. You only need to set different Priority values if your MatchGroups are not mutually exclusive.
Queue User When no Assignees are available for a MatchGroup (e.g. due to Out of Office or outside the set working hours) records are assigned temporarily to this Queue User. SRR will reassign to an Assignee when they become available again. The Queue User will not work on records themselves, so it could also be a system administrator.
Rejects User If an Assignee rejects a record, for example because it is spam or a dud record, the rejected record is reassigned to this user. After review they may want to delete or reassign accordingly.
Leave this field blank if you don't want rejected records to be reassigned. The Assignee will still get a rejection credit.
Read more in Rejecting Bad Leads, Cases or Other Records‍.
Custom Email Template Enter the 'Template Unique Name' of your custom Classic Email Template here. The template must be saved in the SuperRoundRobin folder (Salesforce Setup > Classic Email Templates > folder: SuperRoundRobin).
If you use merge fields in this template, make sure they correspond to the object named in the 'Object' field of the MatchGroup. I.e. if this is a MatchGroup for the Account object, a template that uses Lead merge fields won't work properly.
Check Existing Records This will match Leads or Accounts in this MatchGroup against existing Leads, Accounts and Contacts. If an existing record matches, then its owner will be assigned to the incoming Lead or Account record. Read more in Match Existing Records‍.
LeadCount The number of records that have been positively matched by this MatchGroup. This is used internally by Super Round Robin (in System Information). Note that although it is called 'LeadCount', it also counts records of other Objects.