
Last published at: February 13th, 2025

Assignees are the users in a MatchGroup that each get a record assigned in turn. Assignees can be added to the MatchGroup manually, but also dynamically with an AssigneeRule. 


Rather watch than read? The AssigneeRules are also explained in an interactive video at the end of this article.

Define one or more AssigneeRules that will select users based on certain criteria. Each time you apply the AssigneeRules, all users that match the criteria set in the rules will be added as Assignees to the MatchGroup, or removed if they do not match anymore.

  • Multiple AssigneeRules can be evaluated with AND or OR logic
  • Custom AssigneeRule Logic can be specified when 3 or more AssigneeRules are used e.g. (1 AND (2 OR 3))
  • An AssigneeRule can be created based on fields on the User record, or on parent record fields. You can also use fields of a user's Public Group or Chatter Group.
  • Apply the AssigneeRules with one click.

Configuring AssigneeRules

  1. On the MatchGroup where you want to add assignees dynamically, go to Create a New AssigneeRule.
  2. At right, click Create New Rule.
    1. At Type, decide if assignees should be selected by their User record, Chatter Group or Public Group.
    2. Select a Field from the User record or group.
    3. Add an Operator.
    4. Enter the Value that this field should have in order for the user to be added as Assignee. See below for more details on what you can enter here.
    5. Set the AssigneeRule to Active, or Not Active if you do not want to use it yet.
    6. Click Save.
  3. If you have more than one AssigneeRule, add AssigneeRule Logic to determine how the AssigneeRules should be applied. See below for more details.
  4. At 'Assignee Configuration', you can manage the Assignees.
    1. Click Preview Record Selection to get an impression of which users will be added as Assignees when applying the AssigneeRules for dynamic assignees.
    2. Click Assignee Settings to configure settings for dynamic assignees. All Assignees that are added with the AssigneeRules will have these settings. Read more in Assignees.
    3. Click Apply Rules  to add all users that currently meet the set AssigneeRules as Assignees to the MatchGroup, configured according to the Assignee Settings.
  5. Find all Assignees of a MatchGroup (dynamic and manual), and their settings, in the Assignee overview. After clicking ‘Apply Rules’ the assignees should appear here.
    A column of note here is Dynamic Assignment, where you can see whether an Assignee is managed by the AssigneeRules (Dynamic) or manually (Manual).
This AssigneeRule will add all users located in Arnhem to the MatchGroup as Assignees

The AssigneeRule fields

AssigneeRule Name: enter a name that clearly indicates what the AssigneeRule does.

Type: select User, Public Group, or Chatter Group. This way you can select on critera of the user record, or criteria of the Public / Chatter Group record. Searching for group criteria will add all users of that group.

Field: this is the field on the User or Group record that will be evaluated. All fields, including custom fields, will appear in this picklist. If you select a lookup to another object, then a Cross Object Fields picklist will appear below that lets you select a field from the parent object (e.g. Account ID >> Account Description).

NOT: Use this to reverse the logic. 

Operator: This can be either EQUALS, CONTAINS, STARTSWITH, ENDSWITH GREATERTHAN or LESSTHAN. Use the GREATERTHAN and LESSTHAN operators for comparing numerical fields.

Value: This is the value you are comparing to the value of the field you selected in Field. You have several options here.

  • Supply a list using the pipe | symbol. 
    For example using “EQUALS Sydney|Melbourne|Adelaide|Hobart” will match any of those cities: it does an OR match on the items in the list.
  • Zipcodes can be done this way as well e.g. 90210|90214|90222|90234...etc. You can fit all the zipcodes of a state in there if you wish!
  • You can use the STARTSWITH operator to match the first two or three digits of a zipcode e.g. 324|325|325 will match any zipcode in the north-east counties of Florida.
  • Use <empty>, including the angle brackets, if you want to match a blank value.
  • If you are matching against picklist values, use the API Name in the rule for the picklist item you want to match against.

Read more about the specific values you can enter and how to format them in Field Types in MatchRules and AssigneeRules.

AssigneeRule Logic

If you want to select assignees based on several criteria, you can set up multiple AssigneeRules. However, Super Round Robin needs to know how these rules should be combined. 

In the AssigneeRule Logic section, indicate how the rules should be applied.

  • OR (match any AssigneeRule): a user is selected if their record matches one or more of the AssigneeRules.
  • AND (match all AssigneeRules): a user is only selected if their record matches all AssigneeRules.
  • Custom Logic: in the Custom AssigneeRule Logic field that appears, specify how the rules should be combined. This is used to make a combination of AND and OR, based on the rule numbering.

In the AssigneeRules list, each AssigneeRule has a Rule Number field, with the value highlighted as a number with blue background. These are the numbers that are used in the Custom AssigneeRule Logic. 

Say you have three AssigneeRules set up. You want all assignees to match rule 1, and either rule 2 or rule 3. This is entered in the Custom AssigneeRule Logic field as (1 AND (2 OR 3))

Do not use the small line numbers at the left of the list, as these can change if you sort the AssigneeRule list on another column. The Rule Number is always associated with the same AssigneeRule.

Dynamic Assignment with AssigneeRules video