Assignees are the users that each get a record assigned in turn. Assignees are grouped in MatchGroups that determine which records they each get assigned. Add Assignees to a MatchGroup manually, or dynamically with an AssigneeRule.
Assignees are located on their MatchGroup , in the Assignee section. Alternatively, you can find an overview of all current Assignees on SRR tab Assignee Summary.
Assignees are created per MatchGroup. If a user should be an assignee in multiple MatchGroups, they will have a separate Assignee record in each MatchGroup. The settings for these Assignees can differ per MatchGroup.
Configuring Assignees
- Create a new Assignee via a MatchGroup, or by cloning a similiar record:
- On the intended MatchGroup, in the Assignee section, click New. Configure as below. Or:
- Open an existing Assignee. At right, in the Action menu, click Clone. Adjust the configuration where needed.
- Configure a single Assignee by editing their Assignee record.
- Assignees that are managed dynamically via AssigneeRules, can also be configured collectively by opening their MatchGroup > Assignee Configuration section > Assignee Settings
. When finished, click Apply Rules
to apply the settings to all dynamic assignees of the MatchGroup.
Set individually managed records to Manual
The Assignee Settings on the MatchGroup will be re-applied each time ‘Apply Rules’ is clicked. If you have edited an Assignee that was set to Dynamic, your edits will be overwritten the next time ‘Apply Rules’ is used. To keep your changes, make sure to change a user's Dynamic Assignment setting to ‘Manual’. That way the Assignee is not affected anymore by the AssigneeRules or collective Assignee Settings.
Working Hours are not determined by the Assignee Settings and can be changed individually for Dynamic Assignees. Clicking ‘Apply Rules’ again will not affect the set working hours.

Configure an Assignee or Assignee Settings as follows:
- At User, enter the user that the Assignee will be associated with.
- At Dynamic Assignment:
- Enter ‘Manual’ if the Assignee should be managed manually.
- Enter ‘Dynamic’ if the Assignee should be managed by the MatchGroup's AssigneeRules and Assignee Settings.
- At MatchGroup you can switch MatchGroups if editable.
- Tick or untick Active. Inactive Assignees will not be assigned records.
Distribution Settings
- Tick Do Not Assign When Calendar Busy if don't want the Assignee to receive records when they have a Salesforce Calendar Event that is marked as either ‘Busy’ or ‘Out of Office’ in the Show Time As field. You might need to add the Show Time As field to the Event Layout in order to see it.
Once the Assignee has no event running in their calendar anymore, or only events marked as Free or --None--, they will be assigned records again.
Read more in Respect Users' Calendar Events. - Tick Do Not Assign When OOO ('Do not assign when Out of Office') if you don't want the Assignee to receive records when they have their Salesforce profile set to ‘Out of Office’ (available with Salesforce's Chatter module). Assignee will be skipped until they are free again.
Read more in Out of Office. - Tick Do Not Assign When Omni Away if you are using Omni-Channel, and you only want to assign when the assignee is logged into Omni-Channel and their Status is not ‘Busy’.
If you don't use Omni-Channel, do not check this box. - At Capacity Threshold, enter the threshold for this assignee's capacity as defined by the Capacity Model associated with this MatchGroup. Leave empty if you are not using Capacity Models.
- At Distribution Ratio, set a distribution or assignment ratio for the number of records this assignee is to receive relative to the other assignees in the MatchGroup. For example, say there are two other Assignees. If their distribution ratio is 1, and this assignee's ratio is set to 2, the record distribution ratio would become 1:1:2. For each record they receive, this assignee receives 2.
If not used, set to 1 for all assignees. A ratio of 0 would assign them no records at all.
The Distribution Percentage, displayed after saving, is the percentage of records this Assignee will receive. It is calculated from the Distribution Ratio and disregards whether an Assignee is capped by a Capacity Model or not.
Settings per Assignee, not per User
Settings like Capacity Threshold and Distribution Ratio are set per Assignee. If a User is an Assignee in multiple MatchGroups (i.e. they are associated with several Assignees) they might have certain settings in one MatchGroup but not necessarily in the other.
Notification Settings
Read more about the different notification options, and how to configure them before enabling them here, in Send notifications on assignment.
- Tick Send Mobile Push Notifications to send in-app and push notifications to supported apps.
- Tick Send Email Notifications to send notifications to the user via e-mail.
- At CC Email Address you can enter one (1) additional email address, for example to verify if email notifications are being sent.
- Tick Send Desktop Push Notifications to display notifications in the desktop notification tray.
- Tick Send SMS Notifications if you want to use an ‘Email to SMS’ service like TextMagic to send new record notifications by text message.
Then toggle TextMagic Account Already Set Up at right (can also be used with other Email to SMS providers) and configure. Read more in Send notifications on assignment. This part can only be configured on individual Assignee records, not in the collective Assignee Settings on a MatchGroup.
After configuring this option, the Assignee's Email-to-SMS address will appear in the SMS Email field.
When you have finished configuring the Assignee or Assignee Settings, click Save.
Settings on existing Assignee records
Saved Assignee record have some additional settings. Open an Assignee record via a MatchGroup or the Assignee Summary tab to configure these options.
- At the bottom of the record, at AssigneeWorkingHours, click New
to add a working hours schedule. When active, records will only be assigned to this Assignee on the set hours. Read more in Assign Within Business Hours Only.
- At right, at Award Bonus Records, you can direct some extra records to the Assignee in addition to their regular assignment rotation.
- In the Number of Bonus records to award field, enter the number of credits you want to award.
- Click Next.
- In the confirmation window, click Finish.
At the top, in green, the number of credits left is indicated.
Read more in Award Bonus Records.
Assignees and their Licenses & Permissions
You don't need to assign licenses or permissions manually to new Assignees. When an Assignee is added to a MatchGroup, either dynamically via the AssigneeRules or manually, an SRR license is automatically allocated to their User record if they do not have one yet. The user will be assigned the SRR User permission set as well.