Using the Use Round Robin field

Last published at: 2024-10-04 13:48:04 UTC

SRR's “Use Round Robin” field is always present behind the scenes for all Objects that are set to be processed by SRR. 


The “Use Round Robin” field determines whether a record needs to be assigned by Super Round Robin or not. Then, after processing by SRR, the field shows the assignment status, and can be used to reassign or reject the record. 

By default the field is not displayed on records, but can be shown in listviews. Add it to page layout to let users change it manually, or add it as an action button to change it to a single value.

The default value for the Use Round Robin field, if not added to the page layout, is TRUE for Leads, and FALSE for all other Objects that are set to be processed by SRR. You can change this to a different default value. If you are using record types for a certain Object, take care to set the default value for each record type.

“Use Round Robin” field values

Use Round Robin field value Usage
TRUE The record will be picked up by SRR and assigned to an Assignee.
FALSE The record will  be ignored by SRR and will not be assigned.
ASSIGNED The record has been assigned to an Assignee by SRR.
NOMATCH The record was inspected by SRR, but no MatchRules matched the record, or no MatchGroups were active.
QUEUED The record was not assigned because all Assignees are unavailable due to set working hours, out of office, or similar. The record will temporarily be assigned to the set Queue User. Every 10 minutes reassignment to an Assignee will be attempted.
REJECTED The record was deemed bad/unusable by the original Assignee and rejected. If a Rejects User was set, the record will be assigned to that user. The record will not come up for reassignment.
  • When the “Use Round Robin” field is set to TRUE, the record will be processed by SRR and assigned to a user or team. After assigning, if it is changed to TRUE again, it will be re-assigned by SRR.
  • As long as the field is set to FALSE, the record will not be assigned by SRR.
  • An ASSIGNED record has been assigned to an Assignee. Change the Use Round Robin ( leadassist__Use_Round_Robin__c) field manually or through automation (Process Builder, Flow, Workflow Actions, Apex) in order to have the record processed again by Super Round Robin.
  • There can be several causes for a NOMATCH status. Check out the Troubleshooting section to find out why this status was set.
  • You can manually change ownership of a QUEUED record, for example if you know that none of the potential Assignees will be available any time soon. However, if you manually change the owner of a QUEUED record, make sure to change the Use Round Robin field to FALSE. If you leave it at QUEUED, SRR will reassign it as soon as one of the intended Assignees becomes available again.
  • If Assignees set a record to REJECTED, they will be assigned the next lead that matches that same MatchGroup, and won't miss their turn in the round robin. If they had just deleted the record, they would have to wait for round robin to assign to the rest of the team before they get another record assigned.  
    If set, the rejected record will be assigned to your Rejects User for evaluation.  

Changing the field value

There are several ways to change the value of the Use Round Robin ( leadassist__Use_Round_Robin__c) field:

Automation Automatically update the field via Process Builder, Flow, Workflow Actions, Apex, etc.
List View On a small scale you can mass update using List Views - simply expose the Use Round Robin field, open your desired List View, mass update the Use Round Robin value, and Save. For example, if you mass update to TRUE this way, that will trigger SRR to process all updated records. The limitation here is that you can only update 50 records at a time in a List View.
Mass Update tool For bigger mass updates, use an update tool such as Data Action Platform to mass update the value of the Use Round Robin field for all records that you wish to update; either for more list view records at a time, or via a job.
Use Round Robin field on record You can decide to show the “Use Round Robin” field on records. That way, when users create or update records, they can set the field to FALSE if they don't want the record to be assigned by SRR (set it to FALSE before saving, SRR can be quick!). For example if they want themselves to be the record owner. Or if they've been assigned a bad record, they can set the field to REJECTED, so that they'll be assigned the next record that's up.  
Read more in Add Use Round Robin field to page layout.
Single-option action button If you do not want to offer your users all options of the Use Round Robin picklist on the record, you can create a single-option Lighting Action button and add that to the page layout instead. For example, add a button for setting the Use Round Robin field to FALSE, or a button for REJECTED.   
Read more in Add Use Round Robin action button to page layout.