Send notifications on assignment

Last published at: 2024-10-15 20:44:14 UTC

Let your users know that a record was assigned to them by sending an automatic notification. Send notifications via E-mail, SMS message, and in-app or push Mobile or Desktop message.


Note that standard email notifications for Lead, Contact, Account, Case and Opportunity are set up and enabled by default for each new Assignee. These require no further configuration to work. 
If you disabled these and want to re-enable them, or if you want to set up other notifications, find out how to do this below.

Notifications are configured per Assignee, per MatchGroup. If Assignees are members of several MatchGroups, they can have different notification settings per MatchGroup. This also means that you need to enable notifications in each MatchGroup for them.

First, set up notification messages for the type of notification you want to send. Then enable notifications in Super Round Robin.


Setting up notification messages

Mobile and Desktop

For Mobile or Desktop in-app and push notifications, first create a Custom Notification. As the Mobile and Desktop notifications can be enabled independently of each other, we suggest creating separate ones for Mobile and Desktop.

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Custom Notifications.
  2. At top right, click New
  3. Enter a name for the custom notification.
  4. Enter an API name. It should be unique within your ORG.     
    Note it down for use in step 10. below.
  5. Select a Supported Channel: Desktop or Mobile.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Still in Salesforce Setup, go to Custom Metadata Types.
  8. Find the “SRR Optional Parameter” type and click Manage Records in front of it.
  9. Click Edit at “API Name for Desktop / Mobile Notifications” (depending on the Supported Channel selected in step 5.)
  10. At Value, enter the API name you created in step 4.
  11. Click Save.

For Mobile only:

  1. Still in Salesforce Setup, go to Notification Delivery Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Custom Notification Types.
  3. At the Mobile notification type you created above, click Edit.
  4. At Supported Channels > Mobile, select the delivery types you want to use for mobile notifications. These types are available to select once a mobile device has logged onto an ORG.

Read more about Mobile Notifications in Salesforce here.


Super Round Robin is installed with a number of pre-enabled email templates for Lead, Contact, Account, Case and Opportunity, as well as a generic template for batch assignments. These can be used as-is and require no further configuration to work.

For other Objects than Lead, Contact, Account, Case and Opportunity, you first need to add an email template with its name prefixed by SRR_Notification_, and stored in the SuperRoundRobin folder. Read more in Customizing the Email Alerts > Adding Notification Templates for Other Objects.

Furthermore, you can choose to redesign the default email templates to your liking, see Customizing the Email Alerts > Editing Notification Templates; or decide to send different emails for certain Matchgroups, as described in Customizing the Email Alerts > Overriding the Default Template by MatchGroup.

After making any changes or additions to the SRR Email Templates, be sure to purge the Platform Cache on the “Setup And Status” tab.

All email templates for SRR notifications should be stored in the SuperRoundRobin folder.



 For sending SMS notifications, you don't need to configure notification messages, but do make sure you have an Email to SMS provider as described in Send SMS Message on Lead Assignment.

Enabling notifications in SRR

Notifications are set in an Assignee's configuration. Set it up while creating a new Assignee, or edit an existing Assignee's record. Open existing Assignees via their MatchGroup, or on the Assignee Summary tab.     
The notifications are configured in the Notification Settings block.

  1. Create or open an Assignee record.
  2. Scroll down to the Notification Settings.
  3. Tick the type(s) of notification you want to use for this Assignee: Mobile, Desktop, Email, or SMS.
  4. If you ticked “Send Email Notifications”, you can enter one email address at CC Email Address, where a copy of the email notification will be sent. Use this for example to troubleshoot missing email notifications.
  5. For SMS
    1. At right, in the Email to SMS Wizard, toggle TextMagic Account Already Set Up if you have a TextMagic or other Email to SMS provider. 
    2. Click Next.
    3. Enter the Email to SMS Address of the Assignee. For TextMagic it should have the format
    4. Click Next.
    5. In the confirmation window, click Finish
      The Assignee's Email-to-SMS address should now appear in the SMS Email field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat in all MatchGroups of the Assignee if applicable. 
  8. Repeat for other Assignees.


  • The MatchLogs of a MatchGroup will keep track of sent notifications, so if for some reason notifications are not sent, that will be your starting point for troubleshooting. 
  • If an Email notification is recorded in the log, but not received, it might have ended up in a user's spam folder. Enter your own email address in the CC Email Address field of an Assignee's notification settings, as another way to check if email notifications are sent. 
  • If you made any changes or additions to the SRR Email Templates, be sure to purge the Platform Cache on the “Setup And Status” tab.
  • All SRR email templates should be stored in the SuperRoundRobin folder, and each Object should have at least one email template named with prefix SRR_Notification_ . Email templates tied to a particular MatchGroup do not necessarily need that prefix, if there already is another email template for that Object with the prefix.
  • If notifications are not sent for an Assignee, and they are a member of multiple MatchGroup, check whether the notification setting was enabled on the Assignee record in the MatchGroup that matched the assigned record.
  • If Mobile or Desktop notifications are enabled for Assignees, but none of them receive notifications upon record assignment, and there is no mention of sent notifications in the MatchGroup's MatchLog either, check if an API name was entered in the Custom Metadata Types as described above in "Creating Notification Messages".
  • Your ORG in its entirety can send up to 10,000 custom notifications per hour. Excess notifications are lost and will not be sent again at a later time. Notifications sent from SRR count towards this maximum.     
    Read more about Salesforce Notifications here.

If these tips do not solve the problem, don't hesitate to contact Plauti Support at . We're glad to help!