Send SMS Message on Lead Assignment

Version 6.0 up

Last published at: 2024-09-24 10:42:54 UTC

This feature requires you to have an account with TextMagic, an SMS provider. Pay as you go for SMS messages, with a free trial so you can test it out.

SuperRoundRobin is configured to send SMS alerts to the assignee by MatchGroup - so if you wish you can have a single MatchGroup (maybe a high priority one) that sends out SMS alerts as well as the email notification.

Let's get the pricing out of the way first. With TextMagic, you pre-pay for messages with a credit card. There are no other subscription fees.

Country Price per SMS message
United States 0.045 USD
United Kingdom 0.049 GBP
Canada 0.045 USD
Australia 0.041 AUD
Dozens of other countries - see the TextMagic website for details  

We have personal experience of using TextMagic so recommend their service as a happy customer. 

Steps to Follow in TextMagic:

  1. Sign up with TextMagic. No credit card is required for the sign up process. You get a little bit of credit (10 messages) to test the service. Select the Default sender settings when prompted during signup.
  2. For each Assignee that you want to enable for SMS alerts, add their email address in TextMagic. In the menu on the left, select Services > Email to SMS. Click the green 'Add allowed emails' button. Add each Assignee's email address.
  3. Alternatively, if you have lots of users, you can email and ask them to enable the "Email to SMS" service for all emails that originate from your email domain. This is the easiest option if you have many users and/or they change often. Their support team don't like to whitelist new accounts and might say this isn't possible, if you get that just show them the following screen with the * wildcard whitelist:

Steps to Follow in SuperRoundRobin:

  1. Go to the Assignee you want to receive new lead SMS alerts
  2. Ensure that 'Send SMS Notifications' is checked
  3. Use the Email to SMS Wizard on the right of the page to enter the Email to SMS address for this Assignee.
  4. Repeat for all Assignees that you wish to receive SMS alerts.


  • We don't monitor, manage or limit the number of SMS messages triggered by lead assignment. You are responsible for assessing what the cost impact of this is on your organisation.
  • If you have a different Email to SMS provider already, just use the email address from your existing provider.
  • The 'Email to SMS Address' must be an email address. If you enter an ordinary email address you will simply receive the alert to that email address inbox.