You look on the Assignee Summary tab and see that one or more of your Assignees are 'Unlicensed'. What to do!?
Check your current license use
First, have a look at your current license status and who is using them.
- In Super Round Robin > Setup and Status > Licensing Status you can check the number of licenses that are in use out of the total number of available licenses.
- In Salesforce Setup > Installed Packages > SuperRoundRobin > Manage Licenses you can check which users currently have an SRR license.
Determine the problem
Then, find out where the license problem is located. We'll explain the different possibilities below, based on a user called Brian Chadwick.
In the image below you can see that Brian Chadwick has a status of Unlicensed. This means one of two things:
- He was added as an Assignee when your licenses were already maxed out (e.g. 20/20 used)
- An administrator has removed Brian's license from the 'Manage Licenses' section in Setup

SuperRoundRobin normally automatically allocates licenses when Assignees are added, but is unable to if licenses have been maxed out (as in 1. above).
Other Assignees can be removed to free up licenses, but SRR will not know to use these freed-up licenses on Brian - so this will need to be done manually.
You can see how many licenses you are using by going to the Setup and Summary tab - it displays the license usage at the top:

If, like here we have enough free licenses, the simplest way to get Brian licensed is to simply remove him and then add him back as an Assignee. Or you can go into Setup to allocate him a license. Here are your two options - either method will work:
- Remove and Add Back: click on Brian from the Assignee Summary screen - this will take you to the Assignee record. Click the Delete button in the top right corner.
- Allocate License from Setup: Go to Setup > Installed Packages > click Manage Licenses next to SuperRoundRobin > add desired users (see image below)

If you cannot remove any assignees to free up licenses, and you are maxed out (e.g. the licenses used shows as 20/20), then you will need to purchase more licenses - this can be done by amending your Super Round Robin subscription - see here for more details.
Any questions - as always you can contact Plauti Support at