Duplicate Check does not seem to work

Last published at: 2024-03-28 15:55:08 UTC


If it appears that Duplicate Check is not working, please check the following:

  1. Make sure that asynchronous form handlers are enabled for all apps that use forms for the entities where you want to use Duplicate Check.
  2. Make sure you have the correct Permissions for Duplicate Check
  3. In the Duplicate Check for Dynamics 365 app, go to Manage Entities. Find the entity where Duplicate Check is not working and click Manage.
  • At tab <Entity> Scenarios, check that the scenario settings match with what you expect to happen. Do the scenario fields indeed contain duplicate values in the records you are comparing? Is perhaps a low field importance prohibiting a record to be recognized as duplicate? Do all field values combined reach the minimum required matching percentage? See the articles in Configuring Duplicate Check for more information on these settings.
  • At tab Feature Activation & Setup, check that Duplicate notifications are enabled for the situations where you would expect them to see. Make sure the correct scenarios are selected.
  • Make sure the settings version you want to have published is indeed saved and published.

Notes for first-time use

If you set up Duplicate Check for the first time for a certain entity, please note the following:

  • Even if you kept all default settings and did not change anything, you still need to click Save and Publish Now in order to activate Duplicate Check for that entity.
  • Publishing entity settings for the first time might take a while. If you have notifications enabled, you will receive a notification when publishing is finished and Duplicate Check is ready to use for that entity.
  • First-time entity setting publishing processes can only run one-at-a-time, so publishing a couple of entity settings all for the first time can take a while.

Only not working for certain forms

If Duplicate Check is working in most places, but not on newly added forms, or forms or ribbons that you recently made changes to, you probably need to re-run the Entity Setup process. The Entity Setup first-time publishing process adds certain customizations to ribbons and forms needed to make Duplicate Check work. Forms that were added or edited at a later point do not automatically get these customizations.

To re-run the Entity Settings first-time publishing process for a certain entity:

  1. In the Duplicate Check app, at left, go to Manage Entities
  2. At the entity you want to configure settings for, click Manage  at right.
  3. Go to the <Entity> Settings tab.
  4. Go to Advanced Settings > Start Entity Setup Process for Entity
  5. Click Start Entity Setup  .

Just like with the initial Entity Setup publishing, this publishing process can take a while. If notifications are enabled you will receive a notification when it's finished.

Contact us

If the steps above couldn't solve your problem, don't hesitate to contact the Plauti Support team! We're happy to help you.
Contact us via https://www.plauti.com/contact or at support@plauti.com.