Matching Methods

Last published at: March 25th, 2025

Matching Methods are available in the Advanced, Premium, and PDM editions. The Free edition supports 'Exact' matching only, which is also explained below.

Matching Methods are algorithms used by Plauti Deduplicate to analyze field values of standard and custom fields. Based on this analysis it decides to what extent two records match: the matching score. 

Record fields can have different value types (e.g. numeric or text, but also plain text or email addresses, etc.) In order to catch duplicate records it is important to apply a matching method that can properly analyze a field's value type. Plauti Deduplicate's matching methods are designed to do just that.

Furthermore, with a matching method you also decide to apply either an exact or fuzzy logic to evaluate field values. 

  • Exact methods look for values that are almost exactly the same, sometimes with differences in casing or spaces allowed depending on the method.
    With exact matching, the matching score is either 100% or 0%: two values match or they don't.
  • Fuzzy methods allow for slightly less exact matching, so that spelling mistakes and conventions such as American vs British English can be taken into account.
    Fuzzy matching uses a comparison system called Soundex to find similar values, and attaches a graded matching score based on the level of similarity.

Applying Matching Methods

Matching Methods are applied in Scenarios‍. You can select a different matching method for each scenario field, suitable for that field type.

Create the Search Index

In order to use Fuzzy matching methods, the Search Index‍ needs to be created for each Object where you want to use them. After setting up or editing a scenario, create or re-create the Search Index for that Object before starting the first duplicate search.

The Matching Methods explained

(API name: EQUAL)

When using 'Exact' as a matching method, only exact matches will generate a score. 

  • This method is case insensitive: whether words are in upper case or lower case is not taken into account. However, whitespaces are taken into account, meaning a difference in the use of whitespaces is considered a non-match.
  • Use this method when exact matches are required, like when comparing full names or identical items.
Field A Field B Score
Addressed World Addressed World 100%
Addressed World Addressed wORLD 100%
Addressed World Addressed world 100%
Addressed World AddressedWorld 0%

Exact (Random Order)

When applying the Exact (Random Order) matching method, two values will score 100% if they contain the same words, but potentially in a different order. 

  • Case insensitive; whitespaces and other special characters are taken into account. 
  • Use this method when comparing phrases or lists where word order doesn't matter, like "Apple Orange" vs "Orange Apple".
Field A Field B Score
John Fielding John Fielding 100%
John Fielding Fielding John 100%
John Fielding JohnFielding 0%
John Fielding Fielding, John 0%

Not Equal

The opposite of 'Exact': the Not Equal matching method scores when the matched value is NOT equal.

  • Case insensitive; whitespaces are taken into account.
  • Use this method when you want to confirm that two values are different.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 100%
Mc Donalds Mc Donalds 0%

Equal to Null

The Equal to Null matching method scores when one of the compared fields is either null or empty (blank), and the other is not.

  • Because whitespaces are trimmed, a whitespace value will also end up as being regarded as empty.
    For this matching method the scenario's Empty Fields setting is ignored.
  • Use this method to compare if a field is blank or missing.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds
Mc Donalds Mc Donalds 0%

Person Name

The Person Name matching method uses fuzzy logic to compare person names. It combines comparison results with the Levenshtein distance, and returns the average score of these. 

  • Case insensitive. Note that this matching method works in the same way as the Fuzzy matching method.
  • Use this method to compare person names that may have slight variations.
Field A Field B Score
Sten Ebenau Sten Ebennau 90%
Ebenau Ebennau 82%
Fielding Feilding 74%
Ginsburg Ginsberg 88%
Bader Ginsburg Bader Ginsberg 92%

Company Name

Company Name is a fuzzy algorithm that analyses values consisting of several parts, and generates a high score if there is a match on part of the value.

  • Case insensitive. If a whitespace is left out between the parts, it will be counted as one word and will not match.
    Note that this matching method works in the same way as the Partial Fuzzy Heavy matching method.
  • Use this method to compare company names consisting of multiple words, where the values might have minor differences but need to match rather well.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 91%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 78%
Mc Donalds Mc Dnalds 91%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 83%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 0%

Phone Number
(API name: PHONE)

This matching method is specifically designed for comparing phone numbers. It removes all special characters and puts most weight on the final four digits.

  • Use this method to compare phone numbers in standard formats, and to include extensions.
Field A Field B Score
234-235-5678 2342355678 100%
234-235-5678 (234) 235-5678 100%
+1 415 555 2761, ext. 8 +1 415 555 2761, extension 8 100%
+1 415 555 2761, ext. 8 +1 415 555 2761, ext. 5 0%
+1 415 555 2761, ext. 8 +1 415 555 2761 0%
+1 415 555 2761 +1 415 555 2762 0%
+316123456 06123456 0%

Phone Number Advanced

The Phone Number Advanced matching method can score 100% on phone numbers written in a different format or standardization. 

  • It doesn't matter if your phone number has an international format, national format, E.164 or RFC 3966. Extensions are not taken into account. 
  • Use this method to compare phone numbers in different formats, and to disregard extensions.
Field A Field B Score
234-235-5678 2342355678 100%
234-235-5678 (234) 235-5678 100%
(415) 555-2761 +1 415 555-2761 100%
+1 415 555-2761 (415) 555-2761 ext. 5 100%
(415) 555-2761 ext. 5 +1 415 555 2761, ext. 8 100%
+1 415 555 2761, ext. 8 +1 415 555 2761, extension 8 100%
+1 415 555 2761 +1 415 555 2762 0%
+316123456 06123456 100%

Email Address

This method matches email addresses exactly.

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to only find those email addresses that are exactly the same.
Field A Field B Score 100% 0%

Email Address Fuzzy
(API name: EMAIL)

Email Address Fuzzy is a fuzzy method to match email addresses. It accounts for minor variations in addresses.

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to compare email addresses that might be slightly different.
Field A Field B Score 73% 55% 95% 93% 0%


The Domain matching method checks if two URLs or email addresses have the same domain name.

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to find records that could be related to the same company, or to find duplicate website URLs even if they are written in a different format.
Field A Field B Score 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Domain Fuzzy

The Domain Fuzzy matching method checks if two URLs or email addresses have the same domain name, but - contrary to Domain - allows for variations or typos.

  • Case insensitive. Note that only the domain name segment of a URL or email address is considered when comparing values.
  • Use this method to find records with duplicate domain names that might contain typos or other minor differences.
Field A Field B Score 100% 100% 90% 80% 100% 90%


The URL matching method finds duplicate URLs, even if they are written in a different format. Contrary to the Domain matching methods, this method also takes subdomains into account. 

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to compare URLs where different subdomains should be considered not duplicate.
Field A Field B Score 100% 100% 0% 0%

URL Fuzzy

The URL Fuzzy matching method finds duplicate URLs, even if they are written in a different format, and takes subdomains into account. Contrary to the URL matching method, this method allows for variations or typos.

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to compare URLs that might contain typos or other minor differences, where different or no subdomains should be considered not duplicate.
Field A Field B Score 100% 38% 90% 94% 11% 38%

Product Number

This method is specifically designed for numbers, and checks if two numbers are an exact match or not.

  • The numbers can be formatted differently, e.g. with or without dashes. Whitespaces are ignored as well.
  • Use this method to compare numbers that should be exactly the same, but can be formatted differently, such as serial numbers or product codes.
Field A Field B Score
03452434 0345-2434 100%
03452434 0345 2434 100%
03452434 3452434 0%
0345-2434 0345-2435 0%

Postal Code

This method is specifically designed for zip codes and other postal codes, and checks if two codes are an exact match or not. The postal codes can be formatted differently, e.g. with or without dashes. Whitespaces are ignored as well.

  • Extensions such as US "plus-four codes" and "plus-six codes" (add-on codes, ZIP+4 / ZIP+6) are taken into account, meaning that a postcode with extension will not match with the same postcode without extension.
  • Use this method to compare postal codes that might be formatted differently, and to include extensions.
Field A Field B Score
D02 A272 D02-A272 100%
1431WL 1431 WL 100%
99577-0727 995770727 100%
99577-0727 99577 0%
99577 99578 0%


The Fuzzy matching method uses fuzzy logic to compare field values. It combines comparison results with the Levenshtein distance, and returns the average score of these. Spelling and typing errors are taken into account. 

  • Case insensitive. This matching method works in the same way as the Person Name matching method.
  • Use this method to compare values that may have slight variations.
Field A Field B Score
Plauti Plautie 85%
Plauti Plauty 88%
Plauti Pluati 66%
Sten Ebenau Sten Ebennau 90%
Construction Pyramid PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 86%
Pyramid Construction PLC Construction Pyramid PLC 31%
Stars Hollow Stars-Hollow 92%
Stars Hollow StarsHollow 88%
Stars Hollow Stars, Hollow 90%
Stars Hollow Stars,Hollow 92%
Stars Hollow Stars 21%

Partial Fuzzy Light

The Partial Fuzzy Light matching method will flag values as duplicate when a word in one string is found in the other string, but allows for spelling mistakes or different formats.

  • Case insensitive.
  • This method might give results that are not strict enough. If this is the case, use the 'Partial Fuzzy Medium' or 'Partial Fuzzy Heavy' method instead.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 98%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 0%
Pyramid Construct PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 100%
Pyramid Construction PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 100%

Partial Fuzzy Medium

The Partial Fuzzy Medium matching method will flag values as duplicate when a word in one string is found in the other string, but allows for spelling mistakes or different formats.

  • Case insensitive.
  • This method's fuzziness lies between 'Partial Fuzzy Light' and 'Partial Fuzzy Heavy'.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 92%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 85%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 84%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 0%
Pyramid Construct PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 60%
Pyramid Construction PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 64%

Partial Fuzzy Heavy

The Partial Fuzzy Heavy matching method will flag values as duplicate when a word in one string is found in the other string, but allows for spelling mistakes or different formats.

  • Case insensitive. This method works in the same way as Company Name.
  • This method might give results that are too strict. If that is the case, use the 'Partial Fuzzy Medium' or 'Partial Fuzzy Light' method instead.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 91%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 78%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 83%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 0%
Pyramid Construct PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 48%
Pyramid Construction PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 53%

Partial Exact

The Partial Exact matching method will flag a value as a duplicate when one of the words in a string is exactly the same as in the other string. 

  • Case insensitive. 
  • This method might give results that are too strict. If this is the case, use one of the Partial Fuzzy methods instead.
Field A Field B Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 98%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 0%
Mc Donalds McDonalds 0%
Pyramid Construct PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 100%
Pyramid Construction PLC Construct Pyramid PLC 98%

Large Text
(API name: TEXT)

This fuzzy matching method is specifically designed for large texts like emails or documents. It will determine the matching degree between those texts. 

  • Case insensitive.
  • Use this method to find long strings or text content that are similar but where an exact match (the text is either exactly the same or not) is not needed.
Field A Field B Score
 Ut quis risus orci. Integer in nisl eu massa rutrum dapibus non ut sem. Duis nec erat placerat, efficitur ligula sit amet, efficitur velit. Etiam vestibulum tortor et tempus viverra. Suspendisse consequat nibh nec justo efficitur, ut molestie quam lobortis. Nulla viverra ligula eu purus faucibus sollicitudin. Duis dignissim lorem eget sem dictum, at tincidunt mi faucibus. Etiam pellentesque, ante nec vestibulum posuere, ex lorem pellentesque leo, eu auctor lorem mi id velit. Proin id libero non purus egestas gravida. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam feugiat est et tellus tristique, ut pellentesque magna semper. Ut quis risus orci. Integer in nisl eu massa rutrum dapibus non ut sem. Duis nec erat placerat, efficitur ligula sit amet, efficitur velit. Etiam vestibulum tortor et tempus viverra. Suspendisse consequat nibh nec justo efficitur, ut molestie quam lobortis. Nulla viverra ligula eu purus faucibus sollicitudin. Duis dignissim lorem eget sem dictum, at tincidunt mi faucibus. Etiam pellentesque, ante nec vestibulum posuere, ex lorem pellentesque leo, eu auctor lorem mi id velit. Proin id libero non purus egestas gravida. Etiam feugiat est et tellus tristique, ut pellentesque magna semper. 96%

Date Distance in Days

This matching method measures date distance in days. When two dates are within the provided date range, they will score 100%. 

  • Can only be used on date fields. When selecting the method in a scenario, set the slider to the number of days for the range. For example, '4' represents four days.
  • Use this method for finding records that are close in date, such as Opportunities that have a similar Close Date.

Date Distance in Weeks

This matching method measures date distance in weeks. When two dates are within the provided date range, they will score 100%. 

  • Can only be used on date fields. When selecting the method in a scenario, set the slider to the number of weeks for the range. For example, '4' represents four weeks.
  • Use this method for finding records that are close in date.

Date Distance in Months

This matching method measures date distance in months. When two dates are within the provided date range, they will score 100%. 

  • Can only be used on date fields. When selecting the method in a scenario, set the slider to the number of months for the range. For example, '4' represents four months.
  • Use this method for finding records that are close in date.

Contains Value

This matching method compares values with a custom value you set. When a value matches your custom value, partly or in full, it will score 100% (case insensitive).

  • This matching method is only applied to "matched records". When using it in DC Entry for example, where Plauti Deduplicate looks for records that match the source record you are working on, the source record can have any value and will still match with all records that contain the custom field value. 
  • When selecting the method in a scenario, enter a custom value in the Matching Config field that appears at the right of the selected method.
    Enter a list of values to match with by separating the values with ; . All matched records that contain at least one of the listed values will score 100%.
  • Please note that this matching method is not designed to function as a filter. If you want to use a filter, e.g. to only search for duplicates within a subset of records, please apply a Job Filter instead.

In the examples below the custom value to match with is set to 'Don'.

Source field Match field Score
Mc Donalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Donalds Ireland Mc Donalds Spain 100%
Mc Dnalds Mac Donalds 100%
Mc Dnalds Mc Dnalds 0%
Mc Dnalds McDonalds 100%

Learn how to set up and configure a scenario by watching this video tutorial.
Learn how to find and merge duplicates by watching this video tutorial.


Matching encrypted fields

You can use matching methods for fields that are encrypted, e.g. with Shield Platform Encryption. The field values will not be displayed in duplicate results.