How to resolve known issues related to Duplicate Check

Last published at: March 26th, 2025

Merging issues

Merge failed. DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found:

Error Message (exact message differ) Cause of the problem Possible solution
Merge Failed: Merge failed. First exception on row 0 with id <ID1>; first error: DUPLICATE_VALUE, duplicate value found: Unique_ ID__ c duplicates value on record with id: <ID2>: []", Usually this happens when a field that is marked as 'Unique' is empty on the master record, but not on the loser record.
One way to solve this is by marking the record with a value in the unique field as the master record.

Merge page issue: SOQL Statements cannot query more than 55 different parent types

Error Message / Issue (value may differ) Cause of the issue Possible issue fix
SOQL Statements cannot query more than 55 different parent types. An unexpected error has occurred. Your solution provider has been notified. This error is triggered due to a Salesforce limit: Salesforce cannot query more than 55 lookup fields on a custom visual force page. (the Merge Page)  You can discard some of the lookup fields at DC Setup - Object settings - "Ignore these fields when merging". The fields selected will be ignored/not shown in the merging process but they will be merged by the rules defined in the Merge Rules page. To be able to use the page normally, try to fit under that 55 lookup fields limitation.

Merge/ Auto-Merge issue - Remote site settings error 403 - permission denied

Error Message / Issue Cause of the issue Possible issue fix
Remote Site settings error 403 - permission denied This error is usually triggered in the user's Sandbox environment because the profile/user do not have the sufficient permissions in his Production ORG to perform the API call in the Sandbox environment. The user needs to have your production org have the ‘API Enabled’ permission enabled in his Production ORG.

Unexpected token error on the merge page

Error Message / Issue Cause of the issue     Possible issue fix
Unexpected token error This error is caused by a session time-out By refreshing the page, your session will be renewed and the merge will be successful. We don't have our own time-out limit, it's a session time-out from Salesforce.

Other Issues

Apex CPU time limit exceeded

Error Message / Issue (value may differ)  Cause of the issue Possible issue fix
CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY: dupcheck.dc3LeadTrigger: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded”.  This error is usually triggered when there are a lot of flows attached to the insert/update flows of an Object and the maximum CPU time limit for a record insert/update of 10sec is exceeded. It is not mandatory for the APP included in the error message to be the one causing it. Sometimes the app mentioned had the last executed flow, and it's shown as a messenger for that error. Enabling the 'Disable Triggers' setting and enabling the 'small trigger footprint' setting at the DC Settings page. This will disable all ordinary DC triggers and enable the small triggers which use less CPU time.

"Disable Duplicate Check" checkbox not working on the Accounts Object

Error Message / Issue Cause of the issue    
Issue fix
The "Disable Duplicate Check" field is not working as intended for Accounts.
The wrong "Disable Duplicate Check" field was deployed or given access to.

If you are using Person Accounts, there are two "Disable Duplicate Check" fields available for the Account object. 

The correct field to deploy or grant access to, should be the one with API name "dupcheck_dc3DisableDuplicateCheck_c" (c - Custom) and not "dupcheckdc3DisableDuplicateCheck_pc" (c- Person Custom).