Search Index

Last published at: March 3rd, 2025

Create and manage search indexes to optimize Duplicate Check for finding duplicates.

Indexing is available for Plauti Business and Enterprise licenses.

A search index will be created on insert and update for every record in the database, to ensure rapid, precise and fuzzy duplicate search results. 

For new and updated records the search index will be created or updated automatically. For existing records, and if you make changes that affect the search index such as changes to scenarios, the search index might need to be created with an Index Job.

View the index status for each entity, and recreate with a batch job if needed. In the entity settings, a message will inform you if the search index for that entity is outdated after publishing.


  • You have enabled Dataverse Search
  • You have configured the Quick Find view of the DC Record Index table
  • You have marked the DC Record Index table as searchable for Dataverse Search

Read more in Configure your D365 environments and apps for Duplicate Check‍.

Checking the Index Status

To check the index status for all entities that use Duplicate Check:

  1. Open the Duplicate Check app.
  2. At left, click Search Index.
  3. At each entity row, check the Index Statuscolumn. 
    • Index Up To Date: the search index is up to date.
    • Index Needs Update: the search index is out of date and needs to be recreated.
    • No Index: no index was created yet.
    • No Published Configuration: the entity has not been published yet. Publish the entity first via Manage Entities.

Creating a Search Index

To (re)create the search index for an entity:

  1. In Duplicate Check, in the left hand menu, go to Search Index.
  2. For each entity where the Index Status states "No Index"  or "Index Needs Update" , click Start Index Creation .
  3. Confirm to run the Index Job in DC Local.
    In the search index overview, the Status will change to “Waiting to start”.
  4. In DC Local, run each entity’s ‘Start Index Creation’ job.

Once the search index is created for an entity, its Status will change to “Completed”, and its Index Status will change to “Index Up To Date” .


Max number of records indexed

Search Index jobs will only create indexes for the number of records allowed by your license. To find out your license's record limit, go to License and check the number listed under Record Limit.


If you have started the index creation, but the index status does not change to Index Up To Date, check the Status column. If it is still at "Waiting to start", go to DC Local and start the Index Job.