Importing and Exporting Macros

Last published at: 2024-04-08 14:44:22 UTC

Importing and Exporting Macros is available for Premium and PDM licenses.

Import and export DAP Macros to seamlessly transfer Macros‍ within or between Salesforce Orgs. Exported macros are saved as a file, which can then be shared or stored for later use. Import macros into your Action Library from a previously exported file.

Exporting a Macro

To export a Macro:

  1. Go to DAP Setup > Action Library.
  2. At the Macro you want to export, click Edit.
  3. At the top of the macro settings, click Export Macro   .

The macro is exported as a .json file, with the macro name included in the file title. Find it in the regular spot for your browser downloads.
Store the file as a backup of your macro, or import it into another org, e.g. from Sandbox into Production.


Only Macros are available for export, the default DAP Actions cannot be exported.

Importing a Macro

To import a Macro:

  1. Go to DAP Setup > Action Library.
  2. At top right, click Import Macro  .  
  3. In the Import Macro window, click Upload File  or drag and drop a file into the file box.
  4. Review the macro details and click Import .
    The Macro appears in the Action Library between the other actions and macros.
  5. Assign the macro to profiles and users, enable the macro for the different DAP processes, and edit the macro if needed.
  6. Make sure that the objects and fields used in the macro are present in the target Org, if you exported the macro from a different Org.

Overwrite Existing Macros

If the macro you want to import is already present in your library (meaning it has the same Macro API Name), you will see a notification. Click Overwrite  if you still want to import the macro; the existing macro will be overwritten.


Like macros you created yourself, imported macros count toward the macro limit of your license‍.