80% of all new integration data in CRMs is duplicate
More than 45% of all new records entered into CRMs is duplicate. This finding results from analyzing more than 12 billion Salesforce records throughout 2021 by Plauti Data Management. All those duplicate leads, accounts, opportunities, and support requests lead to a bad customer experience, inefficient sales teams, and ultimately loss of revenue.
We aggregated deduplication data of all our clients during 2021. We found almost 600 million duplicates for our clients and prevented around 1.2 million hours in lost productivity, translating to USD 56 million in savings*
What stands out in the data is that API integrations like marketing and sales tools and web forms have an 80% duplicate rate, whereas imports return a much lower rate of duplicates at 19%.

Sten Ebenau, CEO of Plauti, concludes: “80% of duplicates for new records looks like a lot, but it is only a problem if you don’t immediately merge these records. It is perfectly fine that an existing lead uses an integrated meeting schedule solution and gets added to your CRM again. It only becomes a problem when this duplicate is not immediately merged and receives a follow-up by a different salesperson.”, he further clarifies:” A high percentage of duplicates shows a lot of engagement from existing leads. If you restore your customer 360 as soon as possible, this is a positive sign. If you don’t, it will ruin your revenue.”
*18.000.000 x 4 minutes* = 72.000.000 minutes = 1.200.000 hours = 150.000 workdays = 575 years of work**
575 years of work x $97.414*** = $56.013.050 saved
*estimation of manually deduplicating and consolidating duplicates
** based on 261 business days in 2021 (hr.uiowa.edu)
*** average salary of a Salesforce Administrator in the U.S. (glassdoor.com)