Upgrading to Version 11.19 of Super Round Robin

Adds many improvements - see release notes

Last published at: February 17th, 2025

Version 11.19.2 of Super Round Robin introduces a number of new features, as well as bugfixes. Have a look at the Release Notes and find out what's new!

To be able to use these new features, don't forget to follow the post-update instructions below.


First, install version 11.19.2 as explained below. Then follow the post-update instructions.

Install Version 11.19.2

Assuming you are an existing user of Super Round Robin...

  1. If you are not yet on Version 11.0 or up, first follow the post-upgrade instructions for each previous major upgrade. You can find these in Updating SRR
  2. Go to the Super Round Robin AppExchange Page and click Get It Now .
  3. Follow the AppExchange install instructions.
  4. When install has completed, continue with the post-upgrade instructions below.

Post-upgrade Instructions

  • Add Picklist Values
    Add new picklist values Distance and Plugin to the Operational Mode field on the MatchGroup object. These values will be used to set the new operational modes in MatchGroups.
  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager > MatchGroup
  2. Go to Fields & Relationships
  3. Find the Operational Mode field and click its name
  4. At ‘Values’, click New
  5. Enter Distance and Plugin, each on their own line
  6. Click Save

  • Add Fields
    If you are not using the SRR Admin and SRR Users permission sets, add the following fields to the applicable profiles:

Read and Write access required for fields



Read access required for fields



  • Add AssigneeRule Components
    If you made changes to the MatchGroup Record lightning page, and after updating you do not see the AssigneeRules components on the MatchGroups, add them to your MatchGroup layout page.
  1. In Super Round Robin, open a MatchGroup
  2. At top right, click the Setup icon > Edit Page 
    The Lightning App Builder opens.
  3. Add the following components to the page, below the MatchRule Logic component.
    Make sure to add them in the listed order below each other:
    1. newAssigneeRule
    2. Related List - Single
      • At ‘Parent Record’, select Use This MatchGroup
      • At ‘Related List’, select AssigneeRules
    3. assigneeRuleLogic
    4. assigneeRuleButtonsCard
  4. Save and Activate.