Trigger SuperRoundRobin To Process Records On Update

Sometimes you don't want to assign immediately upon creation of a record...

Last published at: August 1st, 2024

A common use case is that you want to assign a record at some specific point after a record has been created, such as when the Status of a record is changed to a certain value. Here we go through how we trigger SuperRoundRobin to process these records.

Reminder of a fundamental concept

The app will process records when the Use_Round_Robin__c field on the record is set to TRUE. You will create an automation (usually a Before Save Flow) to spot when a certain condition is reached and then set the Use_Round_Robin__c field to TRUE.

Example use case

For example you want to assign records according to the MatchGroups you have set up when the Status field is changed to Qualified

Set up the Flow

  1. Create a Record Triggered Flow on your object (we'll do Lead here).
  2. We'll set this to trigger when the Lead record is Updated.
  3. Set Entry Conditions:
    • Where Use Round Robin is currently FALSE
    • The Status field Is Changed
    • The Status field equals Qualified
  4. Finally ensure that the Fast Field Updates option is selected at the bottom (this specifies a Before Save Flow) and press Done.

Now add an Assignment element...

In the Assignment element, give it a label. Set the Use Round Robin field to TRUE. Save and activate your Flow when you are ready.


This is a simple use case that uses a Before Save Flow to evaluate the record and intercept any where the status field has just been changed to Qualified. It will then set the Use Round Robin field to TRUE, so that SuperRoundRobin is instructed to process the record as per the MatchGroup criteria specified in the app. As this is a Before Save Flow, a simple Assignment is all that is required here - the update will happen at the end of the transaction.

This concept can be applied to any set of conditions that should result in assignment (or re-assignment) of your records. Importantly we use a Before Save Flow as this is the most efficient use of system resources - this type of Flow executes immediately before SuperRoundRobin and provides all the tools you need to detect the records that you wish to assign.