Assign records based on location instead of in a round-robin fashion, with operational mode "Distance”. When latitude and longitude of records and assignees are filled in, a record will be assigned to the closest assignee available.
Distance v.1
Operational Mode ‘Distance’ is currently in its first iteration. This means that not all Super Round Robin features are available yet. Features such as Capacity Thresholds (Assignment Capping), Distribution Ratios, or Out of Office are currently not yet respected when assigning records with Distance as operational mode.
The distance between the location of a record and the location of a potential assignee is determined by their respective Latitude and Longitude geolocation fields.
- For the records to be assigned, you can set in the MatchGroup settings which Latitude and Longitude fields on the record should be used.
- For the assignees, the standard Latitude and Longitude fields of the user record are always used, even if other custom fields are in use for recording latitude and longitude.
For records to assign, such as Leads or Contacts, you can use Record Validation to add geolocation values if these are not yet filled in, and to validate existing geolocation values. The Geocode Mapping feature of Record Validation needs decimal geolocation fields, configured at at least six decimal places, to be able to fill and validate geolocation values.
For assignee (user) records, you can use an external tool such as Salesforce Inspector.
In the MatchGroup's Distance settings you can set a maximum distance (in miles). If the record and all potential assignees are too far away from each other, or if the location fields are empty, the record will be assigned to the queue user instead.
- Records to be assigned need to have Latitude and Longitude fields, with valid values filled in.
- Assignees (Users) need to have the standard Latitude and Longitude fields of the user record filled in. If other custom fields are in use for recording latitude and longitude these values cannot be used.
- Latitude and Longitude fields should have the decimal format.
Configure ‘Distance’ mode
To configure operational mode ‘Distance’:
- In Super Round Robin, go to MatchGroups.
- Open or create the MatchGroup where you want to route records based on distance.
- At ‘Operational Mode’, select Distance.
- Click Save.
- At ‘This MatchGroup Assigns the ’x' Field on the ‘Y’ Object', click Edit Object / Assignment Field
- At Distance Configuration, select the latitude and longitude fields on the Object that you want to use for determining the distance to the assignees.
- Enter a Maximum Distance in miles (optional).
If a maximum distance is set, assignees that are located further away will not be assigned, even if they are available.
- Make sure all assignees in the Assignees list have their geolocation entered in the standard Latitude and Longitude fields.
- Configure the other settings in the MatchGroup. Once ready, activate the MatchGroup.
Records that match the MatchGroup will now be assigned to an available assignee with the least amount of distance between the assignee's latitude and longitude, and the record's latitude and longitude. If there are no assignees available, or the record does not have a geolocation recorded in the fields set at Distance Configuration, the record is assigned to the Queue User as usual.