Instead of having records in a queueing state awaiting Assignees to become available again, use this setup to have records overflow to a backup MatchGroup for a secondary team to deal with.
When records are queued a MatchLog record is created. We will use the creation of the MatchLog record to trigger a Flow that will re-trigger SRR so it is assigned to an Assignee in the OverFlow MatchGroup.
Create Custom Fields
We will need to:
- Create one custom checkbox field on the MatchGroup object labeled OverFlow If Assignees Unavailable
- Create one custom text field on the object being assigned labeled OverFlowMatchGroupId, set the length to 32
Create a Record Triggered Flow

- Create a Record Triggered Flow on the MatchLog object, where the Entry Condition is where the Match Notes field Contains queue:
- Then add a Get Record element that retrieves the MatchGroup that corresponds to the MatchLog record
- Then we need a Decision element where we are looking for the OverFlow If Assignees Unavailable checkbox on the MatchGroup is True
- For that Outcome, we need to add an Update Records element. Ensure that the Object you specify here corresponds to the object type being assigned.
The field values that will be updated are the OverFlowMatchGroupId field that we created at the beginning of this guide, and the Use Round Robin field to re-trigger SRR.
Configure the MatchGroups
Finally we need to make sure the MatchGroups are configured. In this scenario we have a primary MatchGroup, and then an OverFlow MatchGroup.
- Primary MatchGroup
- Check the checkbox OverFlow If Assignees Unavailable
- To ensure the Primary MatchGroup doesn't try to assign the queued record again upon re-triggering, add a MatchRule as follows:
- OverFlow MatchGroup
- Create one MatchRule that looks for records that has the OverFlowMatchGroupId set to the Id of the Primary MatchGroup:
- Create one MatchRule that looks for records that has the OverFlowMatchGroupId set to the Id of the Primary MatchGroup:
Job done! Now, when the Primary MatchGroup has no available assignees, the following will happen:
- SRR will see that there are no assignees and queue the record, creating the corresponding MatchLog record
- The Flow that is triggered on the MatchLog creation will run because the MatchLog is a 'queue' type log
- The Flow will query the related MatchGroup that matched the record, to see if it is an OverFlow MatchGroup
- Because the MatchGroup has been set to overflow, the Flow will update Lead.OverFlowMatchGroupId with the Primary MatchGroup Id and it will set the Use Round Robin field to TRUE, re-triggering SRR
- SRR will evaluate the record again, this time the only MatchGroup that will match is the OverFlow MatchGroup, on the newly updated field from step 4, and assign to whomever are set as the Assignees in the OverFlow MatchGroup.