Fundamental: Set Custom Metadata for SuperRoundRobin

Determines at the object level whether SRR will run or not

Last published at: 2024-08-01 08:14:42 UTC

SuperRoundRobin installs by default with support for the Lead, Account, Opportunity and Case objects. You can set at the object level whether you want SuperRoundRobin to process records for these objects. (Record level control is done with the Use_Round_Robin__c selector). This guide explains how you switch on and off processing for the four main standard objects.

  • Go to Setup > type Custom Metadata into the Quick Find box.
  • Click on Custom Metadata in the navigation menu
  • You will see a Custom Metadata type called SRR Object

  • Click on 'Manage Records'
  • For each SRR Object, click Edit and select whether you want SuperRoundRobin to process this object by checking or unchecking the 'Trigger Active' checkbox.

When you have gone through each of the four objects you can proceed with setup of SuperRoundRobin. If in future you decide to automate Case assignment, for example, remember to come back here to activate the trigger. If you leave the checkboxes ticked but you don't use SuperRoundRobin on those objects, nothing sinister will happen, but it will consume a few more milliseconds of CPU if you leave them active unecessarily.