Operational Mode: Load Balanced

An alternative to Round Robin; Load Balanced will assign to the Assignee with fewest records. Version 10.23 and up.

Last published at: 2024-08-01 08:15:12 UTC

The default assignment mode for SuperRoundRobin is Round Robin (clue's in the name) but some organisations would rather load balance their assignments across their team. This means instead of dutifully rotating around a team evenly as you would in a round robin scenario, we assign the record to the team member that has the fewest records at that time. This way, the load of the incoming records are balanced across the team.

Setting up Load Balanced Mode

The Operational Mode is set at the MatchGroup level. A MatchGroup can be set to the following Operational Modes:

  • Round Robin
  • Load Balanced
  • Do Not Reassign

Two things are required to set up Operational Mode: Load Balanced

  1. Set the Operational Mode picklist on the MatchGroup to Load Balanced
  2. Create a Capacity Model on the MatchGroup 

The Capacity Model is required to tell SuperRoundRobin exactly how you want the 'load' calculated.

For example, you may want to only consider load balancing according to Leads received today, or only by Cases that are in a particular status. The Capacity Model lets you specify these things.

Set the Operational Mode to Load Balanced

This bit is simple - just change the drop down Operational Mode to Load Balanced:

Set up the Capacity Model

  1. Click 'New' in the Capacity Model section on the MatchGroup page.
  2. Click into the CapacityModel field and use either an existing CapacityModel or click 'New CapacityModel'
  3. If you are creating a new CapacityModel, on the next screen give it a name and enter the Object Type that corresponds to the records you are assigning with that MatchGroup. The Assignment Field should correspond to the Assignment Field set in the MatchGroup.
  4. Finally, set the criteria for this CapacityModel. See below two examples of how CapacityModels are set up take into account Leads that are 1. Open Leads and 2. Leads created today

If you have any questions about how to set up Load Balancing with SuperRoundRobin, email us at support@plauti.com.