User access via profile settings

Last published at: December 12th, 2024

Although giving access with the Duplicate Check permission set is recommended, you might want to give your users access to only certain parts of Duplicate Check. Use the following profile settings to grant users access to different parts of Duplicate Check.


Manually adjust after update

New Duplicate Check releases might contain new classes, tabs etc. If you have granted access via profile settings, you need to manually add access to these new additions. Keep an eye on the Release Notes‍ as these list new classes and other items you might need to add access to.


Update System Administrator

If, upon installation of Duplicate Check, you chose to install for Administrators only, all access to DC Apex Classes, DC Objects etc. was added to the standard 'System Adminstrator' profile. This means that if a new Duplicate Check release contains new classes, tabs etc, the System Administrator profile needs to be given access to those as well.


Access via profile or DC permission set?

All settings and items listed below are included in the Duplicate Check permission set‍. The DC permission set is updated automatically upon new releases, so you don't need to add classes etc. manually. However, with the DC permission set, by default users have access to all of Duplicate Check, including all settings. You can still deny access to certain pages such as DC Setup.

If you want to give a profile only limited access to Duplicate Check, we recommend configuring that by limiting access to the different tabs and visualforce pages, but still giving full access to the objects listed in the '4. DC Custom Object access' section below.

To grant users access to different parts of Duplicate Check via their profile:

1. Enhanced Profile User Interface

Start with enabling the Enhanced Profile User Interface setting, to be able to view all DC Apex classes and other settings.

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup.
  2. Go to Users > User Management Settings.
  3. Enable Enhanced Profile User Interface.

Next, grant the profile access to the DC Visualforge pages, DC Apex Classes, DC Custom Objects, and DC Tabs. Select which Visualforce pages and Tabs you want the profile to have access to, but make sure to grant it access to all Classes and Objects listed.

2. DC Visualforce page access

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Find the profile you want to edit and click on the profile's name.
  3. At the profile overview, scroll down to Visualforce Page Access and click Edit.
  4. At Available Visualforce Pages, move the Visualforce pages of your choice to Enabled Visualforce Pages.
  5. Click Save.
Visualforce page  Allows access to
 DC Setup
dupcheck.dc3Setup  DC Setup
dupcheck.dc3Settings DC Setup - Settings
dupcheck.dc3SetupCheck DC Setup - DC Setup Check
dupcheck.dc3Frequent DC Setup - DC Frequent Words
dupcheck.dc3Audit DC Setup - DC Audit
dupcheck.dc3License DC Setup - View License
DC Job
dupcheck.dc3Batch DC Job
dupcheck.dc3BatchDetail DC Job - View Results
dupcheck.dc3BatchExport DC Job - Export
DC Check & DC Convert
dupcheck.dc3Check DC Check page
dupcheck.dc3CheckAccount DC Check for Accounts
dupcheck.dc3CheckContact     DC Check for Contacts
dupcheck.dc3CheckLead DC Check for Leads
dupcheck.dc3Convert DC Convert page
DC Entry
dupcheck.dc3Entry DC Entry
dupcheck.dc3EntryAccount DC Entry for Accounts
dupcheck.dc3EntryContact DC Entry for Contacts
dupcheck.dc3EntryLead DC Entry for Leads
DC Live
dupcheck.dc3Layout DC Live
dupcheck.dc3LayoutAccount DC Live for Accounts
dupcheck.dc3LayoutContact DC Live for Contacts
dupcheck.dc3LayoutLead DC Live for Leads
DC Merge
dupcheck.dc3Merge Merge page

Merge page accessed via DC Merge button in list view (Accounts)


Merge page accessed via DC Merge button in list view (Contacts)


Merge page accessed via DC Merge button in list view (Leads)

dupcheck.dc3MergeModal Merge Modal page
dupcheck.dc3Search DC Search page
dupcheck.dc3DiscardLayout DC Discards
dupcheck.dc3HomeSearch DC Search page for Salesforce home page
DC pages in general, such as DC Entry, DC Overall Job Results and more

3. DC Apex Classes access

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Find the profile you want to edit and click on the profile's name.
  3. At the profile overview, scroll down to Apex Class Access and click Edit.
  4. At Available Apex Classes, move every Apex Class that starts with "dupcheck" to Enabled Apex Classes.
  5. Click Save.

4. DC Custom Objects access

If you want to give a profile only limited access to Duplicate Check, we recommend configuring that by limiting access to the different tabs and visualforce pages, but still giving full access to all objects listed below.

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Find the profile you want to edit and click on the profile's name.
  3. At the profile overview, scroll down to Object Settings.
  4. Grant the profile Full Access to all Duplicate Check objects.
DC Discards Full Access
Duplicate Check Analytics Full Access
Duplicate Check Audits Full Access
Duplicate Check Deltas Full Access
Duplicate Check Duplicates Full Access
Duplicate Check Frequent Words Full Access
Duplicate Check Groups Full Access
Duplicate Check Indexes Full Access
Duplicate Check Jobs Full Access
Duplicate Check Layouts Full Access
Duplicate Check Logs Full Access
Duplicate Check Queues Full Access
Duplicate Check Temp Files Full Access

5. DC Tabs access

Grant the relevant profiles access to Duplicate Check tabs by setting the Tab Settings of the DC tabs to 'Default On'.

  1. Go to Salesforce Setup > Users > Profiles
  2. Open the profile you want to modify.
  3. Open Object Settings
  4. Open the different DC tabs, click Edit, change the Tab Settings to Default On, and click Save.
    Do this for all or some of the following tabs, depending on what you want to give the profile access to:

    DC Discards
    DC Entry
    DC Job
    DC Job Detail
    DC Job Overall Results
    DC Search
    DC Setup

You're done! Still having trouble merging records due to rights and permissions in Salesforce? Check out this article:  How to solve insufficient access rights when merging records