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Country Converter: ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 to Full Name (Lead)

Object: Lead, Field: Country

This macro transforms ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes into their corresponding full country names within the Country field on Lead objects in Salesforce.

For example, it converts “US” to “United States of America” and “DE” to “Germany.” This ensures data clarity and consistency, making reports, workflows, and communication more intuitive and professional. The macro can be executed manually, in batches, from list views, through triggers, or incorporated into Salesforce Flows for automated updates. By standardizing country data, this tool supports enhanced lead management and aligns your CRM data with organizational requirements.

Country Converter: ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 to Full Name (Lead)

Converts ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes, such as “US,” into their full country names, like “United States of America,” in the Country field on Lead objects in Salesforce.

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  • Object: Lead
  • Field: Country

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