Deduping Solutions: No Duplicates vs. Plauti Duplicate Check – Best Choice for 2024

Yves Sinkgraven
Written by Yves Sinkgraven in Blog
Deduping Solutions: No Duplicates vs. Plauti Duplicate Check – Best Choice for 2024
August 22, 2023
Reading time: less than a minute

Plauti has been on the frontline of the data quality battle for years, and it’s safe to say we know the problem duplicate data causes for organizations all too well. We’ve made it our mission to combat poor data and we stand behind our word when we say our solution rocks. But that doesn’t mean we’re the only solution in the world, and if you’re looking at duplicate management solutions for Salesforce you might be asking yourself what other alternatives are out there. We’ve done a range of articles comparing various solutions already, and today, it’s time for comparison between Plauti Duplicate Check and No Duplicates. Let’s get straight to it and check out some differences at a glance.

Duplicate Check
No Duplicates
Cross Object Matching
Duplicate Prevention
Duplicate Detection
Fuzzy Matching
Universal Prevention
No Duplicates vs Plauti Duplicate Check whats the best solution in 20231

Duplicate Check overview 

Plauti Duplicate Check is a sophisticated data deduplication solution crafted to assist organizations in pinpointing and eradicating dupes in their databases. Specifically tailored for the Salesforce CRM platform, this tool excels in delivering robust duplicate detection and management capabilities. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms and fuzzy matching techniques, Duplicate Check adeptly identifies duplicate records within Salesforce. Furthermore, it empowers users with customizable matching rules, enabling them to define fields for comparison, assign varying weights to each field, and establish the threshold for identifying duplicates—ultimately tailoring the deduplication process to meet the organization's unique needs. Could it be the superior alternative to No Duplicates? Let's examine some features you get with DC.


  • Duplicate Check Jobs (batch job) – Duplicate Check offers the capability to initiate a batch task, referred to as a "Duplicate Check Job," aimed at identifying all present duplicate records. The added power from Duplicate Check comes from the fact that you can perform a batch job within any given object in Salesforce. Additionally, DC can detect duplicates within a single object or detect duplicates across two distinct objects. Now, no stone is left unturned in the search for duplicates.
  • Customize processes – Every organization has its own needs and not everything comes out-the-box with ideal settings and flows. With Duplicate Check, it has never been easier to implement your own custom processes in duplicate checking as well as merging. Use Apex plugins, Apex or Rest API, Flow Actions, Lightning Components and get to work customizing the perfect flows to match your data requirements.
  • Direct Processing – Directly deduplicate records inserted by API, import, and web to lead. The Direct Processing feature seamlessly merges and transforms duplicate records at the point of entry, eliminating the need for any user intervention. You can also apply scenarios to Direct Processing. For example, you can apply a search scenario to the Web-to-Lead, Unique Import / API Bulk Insert, API Single Insert / Update.

Additional info

Salesforce Native - Duplicate Check runs natively inside any Salesforce org. 

Unlimited SF seats – The ability to have unlimited seats for user assignments is an immensely advantageous feature. It grants you the flexibility to delegate data hygiene tasks to numerous users, thereby expanding the reach and impact of all the available features. At Plauti, our philosophy is to empower every user to participate in the data hygiene journey, ensuring that everyone can contribute to maintaining clean and accurate data, because the people working the data the most often know best how to deal with it.

Processing options – Duplicate Check provides unparalleled flexibility in handling data hygiene jobs and stands as the sole solution that presents three distinct processing options: on a local machine, in Salesforce, or using Plauti Cloud for enhanced processing power.


Automation capabilities - Direct processing helps reduce your time on manual actions. As records enter Salesforce via web-to-lead forms or marketing automation tools like Pardot or Marketo, duplicates can unknowingly proliferate within Salesforce. To address this issue, employ Duplicate Check's Direct Processing option, which automatically merges incoming duplicate records without requiring user intervention. Alternatively, you can opt to compile these duplicates onto a list for manual review.
Large Data Volume (LDV ready)
- When employed in its natively, Duplicate Check has a proven track record in dealing with millions of records. Yet, the method of execution can vary based on job prerequisites. Employ Duplicate Check Local to tap into your local machine's capabilities while maintaining data within your own environment. Alternatively, utilize the prowess of Plauti Cloud for swifter processing and handling larger tasks, all without requiring a local machine to be operational. Plauti Cloud brings forth intriguing prospects, including the ability to collaborate on jobs.

 Duplicate Check Pricing 

At time of publication the current Duplicate Check plans and pricing options are as follows: 
Free / Free Plus version
– Unlimited trial version with some restricted functionality  
– Starting at $588 / year (14-day trial available) 
– Starting at $2772 / year (14-day trial available)  
– Custom price on request

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No Duplicates vs Plauti Duplicate Check whats the best solution in 2023 2

No Duplicates overview 

Founded in 2020, No Duplicates is a bit of newcomer on the block of data quality and duplicate management. By the way, that's not necessarily a bad thing. No Duplicates can automate the deduplication process and offers some nifty reporting options. Its primary focus lies in identifying and managing existing records within your database by leveraging native Salesforce components. Let’s take a look at some of the features they offer.

Core features 

  • Duplicate detection – Discover duplicates of existing records using a variety of matching techniques.
  • Schedule jobs – Schedule duplicate searches and auto-merge them according to your times.
  • Ignore items – Exclude certain words from during matching to improve results.

Additional info

Duplicate reports – You can download duplicate reports in CSV format.

Salesforce Native – No Duplicates is Salesforce native meaning your data doesn’t go outside your org.

Additional language support – Besides English, German and Spanish is supported.


Salesforce Integration - Just like Duplicate Check, No Duplicate is Salesforce native which means an easier implementation into your org. This means getting No Duplicates setup and running in your org should be a relatively easy process that brings results in shorter time.

Language options
- If your company works with German or Spanish customers and records, the additional language support will come in handy.

No Duplicates Pricing

Unlike Duplicate Check which offers several packages, No Duplicate is a single package solution, and your pricing depends on the number of records the app will use. Here are some options:

Free trial? No
Up to 50k records
: $480 / year
Up to 200k records
: $1905 / year
Up to 1 million records
: $3215 / year

What could be better?

It would be nice to have a trial version or free version of No Duplicates to get a feel for the solution.

Duplicate Check vs No Duplicates: Duplicate Prevention

Duplicate Prevention is an essential part of managing duplicate data and this critical feature is missing from No Duplicates. On the other hand, Plauti’s Duplicate Check provides users with advanced duplicate prevention capabilities, such as real-time alerts when entering duplicate information. Duplicate Check also offers direct processing, a means to check for duplicate information on all access points, whether import, API, or web-to-lead.

No Duplicates vs Plauti Duplicate Check whats the best solution in 2023 3

Duplicate Check vs No Duplicates: Job processing options

Plauti Duplicate Check is the only solution on the market that gives you three different options for how to process a duplicate check job. Most applications, like No Duplicates, will process duplicate jobs inside the Salesforce cloud. While this usually good enough for most situation, Plauti Duplicate Check allows you to use your local machine, which is very useful if you are handling very sensitive information. Another option from Plauti Duplicate Check is to run a job on the Plauti Cloud. The benefit of this is even faster processing and larger jobs without the need to keep a local machine running. Plauti Cloud also introduces some other neat new possibilities, such as collaborating on jobs.

Conclusion - is Duplicate Check the better alternative?

While No Duplicates has some robust duplicate management abilities for a reasonable price, from a features perspective, Plauti Duplicate Check is the more robust alternative. Besides duplicate prevention, Plauti Duplicate Check offers more duplicate management tools. The features become even more powerful when used alongside other modules from Plauti, such as Plauti’s mass action tool, Data Action Platform. If your organization is looking for some essential duplicate management features, there is no doubt that No Duplicates is a good tool that can help any organization in the combat against duplicate data. However, if you are looking for a more comprehensive duplicate management solution then Duplicate Check will be worth considering.

Although managing duplicate data is a core aspect of data hygiene, at the end of the day, it is only one aspect of data quality management. It is for this reason that Plauti has developed solutions to cover all needs of data quality management, from duplicate management to data validation and more. The Plauti flagship solution, PDM, is a fully fledged data management suite that addresses all critical aspects of data quality management in Salesforce. At Plauti, we believe the best way to learn is through experience, and that’s why we offer free versions and trial versions of all products, including Duplicate Check. If you think your organization could benefit from less duplicate data, head over to and get your free version of Duplicate Check today!

Ready to test drive Duplicate Check?

Experience the power of all features for free. After 14 days you automatically revert to the free version of Duplicate Check.
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About the Author
Yves Sinkgraven
Yves Sinkgraven Content Marketer
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